How can I get help?

See Get Help.

I can not install/run MotifScan on Windows

MotifScan does not support the Windows platform. Try WSL for a workaround if you only have windows systems.

The Python version I use is not the same as MotifScan requires

MotifScan requires Python 3.6+. If you are not using these versions, it is recommended to create a separated Python environment with virtualenv or conda.

Can MotifScan discover de novo motifs

No, MotifScan can only scan with known motifs given the position matrices.

What data files do MotifScan require?

MotifScan requires genome data files and motif data files. The genome data files include a sequence FASTA file and an optional refGene gene annotation file if you want to perform the motif enrichment analysis. And motif PFMs (Position frequency matrices) are required to be scanned with. All these data files have to be configured (installed) properly before scanning. See User Guide for more details.